Category - Job Search

17th Aug 2021

How to find part-time Jobs in London ?

Looking for part-time work in the UK or London area? This article will help you to find work. Part-time jobs in the UK and particularly London are relatively easy to locate if you know where to look if you only need a job with a limited number of hours. If you need a job to fit around school or other commitments, try some of these tips. ...

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19th Jun 2021

Tips for effective job search UK

When searching for a new job there are many websites and job search tools that can be taken advantage of. Performing an effective job search can be the thing that enables you to move your career forward. With a huge number of jobs posted daily across multiple job boards and other outlets, your job search will need to be as effective as possible to ensure success. ...

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27th Aug 2019

Top 10 Common Job Search Mistakes

Job Search Place’s Research team has compiled the 10 most common Job Search Mistakes. Address these mistakes before starting the job search journey. Understanding these mistakes will make easier your job search and you will have more confidence in your job search. ...

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