Top 10 Common Job Search Mistakes

27th Aug 2019

Searching for a new job can be stressful; especially if you are out of work or feeling underwhelmed in your current role. There often seems to be many hoops to jump through before you land an interview, and this can cause candidates to become frustrated. If you dig a little deeper, it may be the case that you are making some of the most common job search mistakes. It is sometimes a good idea to take a step back and see if there are any changes you can make to ensure your job search is more successful. These are some of the most common job search mistakes you might be making, without even realising it.

1.Blaming Others

It can be easy to get into a cycle where you start blaming others, without any self-analysis. In fact, this can be true for any aspect of life. If you are failing to achieve any results with your job search, it might not be down to the recruiter, the system, your age or nationality, it may be something simple you can resolve. Is your CV up to scratch? Are you applying for roles you have the right level of expertise for? How many applications are you sending each day? Take some time to consider what areas you can improve on before you throw in the towel.

2.Personal Attack

Applying for a job is not personal. Recruiters are often sifting through hundreds of applications on a weekly basis and they often won’t have time to check your age, your nationality or any other factor which could be taken as a personal attack. If you start to take rejection personally, it will swallow you up and the negativity will cause you to put potential employers off anyway!

3.Letting It Consume You

If you are out of work or you hate your job, job searching can become all-consuming. It is important to make this a part of your day, but not your whole day, no matter how dire the situation is. If you are out of work, make sure you leave the house each day, even if it’s just to go for a walk. Try to meet up with other people and enjoy time with your family. As they say, a watched pot never boils, and this is the same for job searching.

4. Playing the Waiting Game

Most candidates make the mistake of applying for jobs, sitting back and waiting for a response. This can cause a lot of frustration if you don’t hear back when you expect to. Instead of just waiting, you can take other proactive steps. You can follow up your application with a phone call or email. You can contact companies and see if they are recruiting, even if they don’t have a vacancy advertised. Upload your CV so you don’t miss any new opportunities. The more proactive you are, the easier the job search will be and the less frustrated you will become. Results are only achieved through action.

5. Not Using Your Network

Don’t be afraid to use your own network when you’re looking for a new job. Ask friends and family if they know about any opportunities, put the word out on social media that you’re available and attend networking events, wherever possible. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about with job seeking, everyone has been in your position at some stage or another, and most people will try to help.

6.Applying for Everything

There is no doubt that being out of work can be daunting, but this doesn’t mean you need to apply for every job you come across. Make a list of the type of roles you are keen on and suit your skills and expertise. There is nothing more off-putting for a recruiter than a candidate who doesn’t really know what they want, so keep your options open while staying true to yourself.

7.Generic Application

It is important to tailor your CV to suit the opportunity you are applying to, otherwise, it might not come across well to the recruiter. Recruiters want to see that you have the right experience for the role, but also that you are enthusiastic and passionate about it.

8. Not Believing in Yourself

If you don’t feel that you deserve an opportunity, why would anyone else believe it? No matter what is happening around you, it is important to stay confident in your own abilities. It will eventually shine through and you will find the opportunity you desire.

9.Becoming Negative

There are so many candidates who become so frustrated with the recruitment process that they end up being extremely negative, even if this is not their usual personality. Although this is quite often understandable, it won’t help the situation in any way. A happy, positive person is far more likely to achieve things than a negative one, so keep a smile on your face and a good attitude, if you want to find success.

10.Being Overbearing

There is a fine line between being proactive and being a pest, so know your limits. A quick follow up is enough after you have applied for a job, there is no need to make 20 different phone calls to try and get an answer. If you do this, you are likely to be rejected, even if the hiring manager was considering you.

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