London Job Portal

Who We are

London Job Portal Ltd provides employment and recruitment services, trading as Job Search Place.   London Job Portal is a job site  that is based in North London ( Enfield) and serves Greater London region.

London Job Portal Ltd is the #1  job search site to find London job vacancies, as well as a great resource for employers and recruiters looking for workforce, ready-to-work candidates they need to fill out their  local job vacancies.

We know what  job search can be like. Filling in what seems like the same form hundreds of times, knowing that you’ll never get more than an automated message from most, and few enough even offer that courtesy anymore. Trudging through poorly designed website after poorly designed website, looking for those one or two jobs adverts you haven’t seen before. Wondering if you’re just going through the motions now, and whether things will ever change.

We understand because we’ve been there, and we refuse to be like that.

We know that job hunting doesn’t have to be like that. Typing ‘job search London’ into google should give you more options than the same 3 or 4 spammy websites under different brand names. But who would do it besides us?

That’s why we put the London Job Portal together: to build a place where job seekers can find the London jobs they need without wasting their time because they know we’re working to make the process better every single day. Because they know we understand what is wrong with the current process, and are determined to fix it.

We also started this to be the best place to tell people about the Greater London jobs you have on offer. To build a place where the best employers and recruiters would be able to advertise jobs knowing that they would get high quality applicants, because they know we’re working to help those applicants qualify for the jobs they really want and begin the careers they deserve.

We know we have to do things differently to give a different experience. We have to work smarter and harder. We have to make our job portal truly transparent, to make sure everyone, employers and candidates alike know they are being treated fairly. We needed to create the kind of website that lets candidates zero in on the right jobs for them with laser focus. The kind of site where employers can get their offers in front of the perfect people quickly and easily, and where they can communicate what makes them a better place to work.

In order to become that kind of  job website, we’ve spent a great deal of time, effort and money developing the technology of the site and the tools we put onto the hands of our visitors – applicant, recruiter and employer alike. We’ve created something very special – a site which can recommend jobs that call for exactly the skills and experience you have. One that will alert qualified candidates the moment the perfect job opens up. One that will help employers reach out to the kind of people they really want to work with, and especially those perfect candidates waiting where employers didn’t know to look.

Our people

We would not have been able to achieve what we already had without some of the best people a start-up could have hoped for. Our team knows all there is to know about the Greater London jobs market. Each brings experience from a different set of industries, from tech and analytics to outreach and marketing, from keeping projects manned and managed to assembling world class expertise, and from getting boots on the ground to organising a remote workforce to do more with less.

Our Aims and Vision
At our core,  London Job Portal is about connecting people with the
London job vacancies that they need. And we really feel that we can make a meaningful contribution here. It isn’t like jobs in London are hard to find, but finding the right job – a job that pays well, makes use of your skills and talents, and has the possibility of career advancement – well, those can be hard to find. Worse, no one job would be ‘the right job’ or even ‘a good job’ for everyone.

Our first aim is to get to know job seekers as individuals, not as a series of tick-boxes. Not as a collection of skills and certifications, but as people with plans and dreams. People with ambition and drive. People who want the kind of job they can take pride in, and feel good about doing.

The thing is, we know how awful looking for London jobs is. How difficult it can be for candidates, and how much it takes from you, psychologically. We don’t want you to have to go through that unnecessarily.

So we’re in the unusual position of knowing that if we truly do right by you- if we find you the kind of job you can enjoy and advance in for years or decades – you might never need our services again.

But sometimes you can’t avoid a job search. London applicants know that the London Job Portal will look out for their interests and leverage the kind of technology that simply didn’t exist a few years ago to not just find them a job but find them a job they look forward to going to.

Another aim we have is to do better by job advertisers.

You see, that’s the part too many job portals just skip over. In the rush to put forward ‘anyone with the necessary qualifications’, they don’t even address whether someone would be a good fit, or whether that would actually like the working experience there. Not only does that make life miserable for the worker, it makes everything harder on the employers as well.

Consider – if you don’t like a job, you won’t stay any longer than you have to. Finding new people is expensive and time consuming, but not nearly as much as training new people just for them to leave again. A savvy employer would rather spend more time and effort making sure you really do love your work. That’s why they come to the London Job Portal. They know that we find not just people who can work for them, but people who can do so happily. It’s not ‘feel-good thinking’, it’s simple economics. Happy workers make everything better, and that makes money.

Our vision is making a difference, and making a difference, in this case, means helping you find the job that will make you happy in the long run, and helping employers find the people who will actually be happy in the roles they need to fill. It’s not one or the other. We want to be there for you both.

What makes London Job Portal Unique

Unlike traditional boards, London Job Portal understands the barriers to employment that Londoners are facing. We understand how difficult it can be to find jobs in London without proper career advice. We know how much of a struggle job-seekers face without the support that they have been promised but never received.  Finally, we know how the apparent lack of good employment opportunities can grind one down.

What really sets London Job Portal apart from the others, then, is our commitment to you as a job seeker. We want to give you what you need to break through those barriers. To give you the advice and support you need. To help you find truly fulfilling jobs, and to show that you are a great person to take that job.

Another thing that sets us apart is our sensitivity to what London really is. London isn’t a cultural monolith. How could it be? People have come to London from all corners of the world for centuries, and that diversity has made it what it is today. However, so many of the job boards and even the businesses that advertise jobs just don’t see that.

As a result, many London jobs boards limit themselves and their applicants unnecessarily. They end up contributing to the unemployment that is holding the city back, and further disadvantaged underrepresented communities. We don’t do that. We’re here to help you achieve what you deserve.

But how do we do that? How do we help migrant, refugee and BME communities better their positions? How do we help young people and recent graduates overcome the artificial barriers placed before them in the job market? How do we make the best London jobs more accessible?

One of the ways is by providing career advice and publishing detailed guides to making sure employers don’t see ‘just another unqualified applicant’. We create guides to getting the qualifications you need to excel. We publish advice on CV writing to ensure that the skills and abilities you already have are recognised for what they are.

We look for the employability deficits in individual communities within London, and find ways to bolster the skills of applicants living there. We write guides to help these communities capitalise on the economic growth on their doorsteps, and to ease the wealth inequalities that are driving our communities farther apart.

Furthermore, we reach out to people who have been away from the job market for some time, helping them to brush up on both their technical skills and their soft people skills, in order to give them back the economic opportunities they once thought long term illness, disability or family obligations had lost them forever.

London Job Vacancies  

We don’t claim to know the future. However, we can offer some general advice about beginning your search for Greater London jobs in 2023.

The job market for 2023 could well be moving in the right direction, finally. From a prospective employee’s point of view, there is a lot on offer. As 2022 ended, there were some 13 million jobs open across the UK, and most of them in or around Greater London. The unemployment rate is relatively low, at just under 4%. Therefore, the government has greenlit more immigration to partially fill that employment gap. However, the vast majority will have to come from people already in the country, and that means you.

Part-time jobs in London, the state of the job market  

The Information technology (IT) industry is in desperate need of highly skilled workers at all levels. London needs more than 1 million more IT workers than it currently has. Most of these London jobs are quite rewarding, as well.

  • IT Analysts currently command an average salary of £30,000 per year.
  • Field Engineers make £30,344 per year, on average.
  • Field Service Engineers make around £31,000 per year.
  • Security Engineers make £37,000 per year on average.
  • Engineers generally earn just over £38,500.
  • Design Engineers can command salaries in the range of £40,000.
  • Project Engineers generally make more than £41,000 per year.
  • Systems Engineers on average earn more than £44,000 per year.
  • Network Managers typically earn in the region of £45,000.
  • IT managers average around £50,000 per year.

Sales and marketingjobs in London are generally good earners, and London will most likely be in need of more than half a million new sales and marketing professionals in 2023. Full time roles in this field tend to earn:

  • Just over £28,000 for a Supervisor
  • Just under £29,000 for a Team Leader
  • Around £30,000 for a Sales Executive, on average
  • Just over £30,000 for Sales Consultants
  • Around £40,000 per year for Sales Managers
  • Nearly £42,000 for Business Development Managers
  • Just under £45,000 for Market managers
  • Directors in the sales and marketing industry make, on average, £67,500 per year.

The finance and accounting industries are always big draws for the London economy, and there have been plenty of high-profile financial services jobs in London for more than a century. This part of the economy is also experiencing a dearth of qualified job seekers, so it is a good area to target.

  • A Service Assistant stands to make around £23,000 per year
  • An Account Executive, on average, will make £27,500 in 2023
  • Finance and Accounting Advisors make just over £27,500
  • Assistant Managers and Instructors can expect an average salary of £28,000
  • Account Managers are expected to make just under £34,000 per year in 2023
  • Teachers in Finance and accounting subjects make just over £34,000
  • Lecturers in the same subjects stand to make around £37,000, as do Analysts
  • Finance Managers stand to make just over £46,000 per year on average.

The healthcare industryis under a great deal of strain, and especially in London. Despite salary disputes, or perhaps because of them, there are many unfilled London Job vacancies you might want to consider.

  • Health care Assistants stand to make, on average, £23,000 in 2023
  • Healthcare Office Managers and IT Analysts will make around £30,000
  • Business Consultants are expected to earn an average of £37,400
  • Nurse Managers and Technical Analysts can both expect around £40,000
  • Health managers can expect £42,000 per year
  • The average salary is expected to be £43,000 for Clinical managers

The hospitality industry has also had hard times lately, but recovery in the sector means they expect to have around 1-2 million jobs unfilled in London this year, so it is another good industry to target in your job search. London hotels always seem to be hiring.

  • Full-time Cleaners can earn jut under £22,000 per year on average
  • Housekeeping staff make between £23,000 and £24,000
  • Hosts can expect to make just over £23,000
  • Assistant managers in the hospitality industry tend to make around £28,000
  • Kitchen and Restaurant Managers make roughly £29,000 per year
  • Food Managers average around £34,000
  • General Managers in this industry average just under £39,000
  • Operations Managers can command, on average, £45,000 per year

Part-time jobs in London, the state of the job market

While there are perhaps more part-time in Greater London jobs on offer than full-time, very few of them are salaried. Most pay hourly, and have uncertain or variable schedules. Still, part-time roles are perfect for some job seekers, especially those who are working a 2nd job, or around home or family commitments. Job boards like the London Job Portal are popular places to advertise jobs like these, as well.

  • Part-time Admin and work-from-home roles are available at as much as £26 per hour
  • Part-time Cleaners can earn anything from minimum wage to around £15 per hour
  • Retail Assistants can make around £10.50 per hour
  • Part-time nannies often make between £12 and £16 per hour
  • Parcel sorters and fulfilment personnel often make between £12 and £13 per hour.
  • Of course, the job market in a city like London is very volatile. If you want the absolute latest in job search and career advice, you should contact us directly.

Advertise Jobs

You need high quality recruits, the kind that will soon become some of your best employees. That goes without saying. So why should you spend your time, effort and money advertising on the London Job Portal rather than elsewhere? Simple ROI.

You see, no one else does it like we do.

We offer more than the competition. A great deal more. While many job portals are evolving to become more faceless, more hands-off and more coldly efficient, we see that for the losing game that it is. London Job Portal is the best place to advertise London job vacancies because we put real, human effort into everything we do.

We don’t just ‘cast wide nets’ to gather as many job seekers as we can, leaving it to you to sift the beach for the few diamonds amongst the sand. We don’t even rely on coldly eliminating the bulk of applicants for you.

No, we actually invest in our job seekers. We help them understand the job market and what it needs from them. We help them gain the skills and qualifications they need to do the kind of work they really want to do. We work to remove unnecessary barriers to working, and help them leap the remaining barriers under their own power.

Why is that important to you, as an employer or a recruiter?

Because it means we deliver better, more qualified and more motivated recruits. More of the recruits who answer your ads will be of the level of quality you were hoping to see. More of them will understand what it is you want from an employee, and everything your company offers in return. You’ll spend less time discarding clearly unsuitable candidates, and then when you do decide who to hire, you’ll retain the employees longer because they will actually be happy working for you.

Job Seekers

As an employment portal specialising in Greater London jobs, we are happy to see that job seekers make up the vast majority of the visitors to our website. You’re why we’re here, literally. We offer support to employers and recruiters as well, of course. Anything we can do to make it easier for you to find the job you want and deserve is within our remit, and that definitely includes encouraging the people who will be hiring you to look for you here.

But what do we actually dofor you?

We try to understand things from your perspective, for a start. That means understanding everything that gets between so many of the city’s workers and the fulfilling, rewarding careers they really need. That means reaching out to people in all of the city’s demographics, crossing cultural and community barriers, and reaching out to disadvantaged groups to help them ‘tick all the boxes’ and actually qualify for the work that would be perfect for them.

Then, working from that position, we reach out to employers and recruiters, and make as many job opportunities available to you as possible. We work with job advertisers to make sure their adverts are realistic and well-written, and are actually likely to attract just the people they need to thrive as a company.

For you as a job seeker, that means the jobs you find on the London Jobs Portal aren’t just a collection of everything you’d find Googling ‘Jobs in London’. They aren’t just another list of ‘apply to 1000 jobs this week and hear back from 2’ false opportunities. We do our level best to make sure that the listings you find here are good job opportunities, with employers dedicated to actually training and improving their employees.

London Job Portal is where you come to find the jobs you really want to have.  At London Job Portal, you can create job alerts to  get informed about  new jobs that  meet your criteria. You can also create a profile to showcase online your skills, experiences and qualifications.

Recruiters and Employers

Of course, we’re not here solely to help out job seekers. It has been part of our mission from the very beginning to become a go-to resource for employers and recruiters as well. We want to be a big part of your hiring process, and a source of advice when things aren’t going your way.

As part of that commitment to recruiters and employers, we’ve listed a few helpful hints, tricks of the trade and pieces of advice below:

Advertise widely, and recruit over as many channels as possible.

Never put all your eggs in one basket, as they say. Put out your own feelers on social media, and work with as many different vendors as you can in order to improve your chances of getting the right candidates the fastest. Every vendor you work with is going to offer different strengths, and different weaknesses. A ‘balanced portfolio’ of business partners almost always yields better results over the long term.

Don’t look solely for employees with the right skills – look for those who have potential to become your best employees.

With the labour situation the way it is, you can’t afford to delay hiring until you find that unicorn employee you need. It is even harder to find an entire herd of unicorns.

Be realistic about what employees are actually available, and set your job requirements accordingly. These days you have to invest in entry level people, and train them yourself. Instead of being rigid about qualifications and requirements, look for people who you believe could achieve those quals and statuses.

In short, when you can’t find a unicorn, grow one.

Don’t expect the best recruits to sell themselves to you. Sell your brand to them!

When you advertise for jobs, you need to make it clear what kind of recruits you are looking for, to be sure. But if your company is not already internationally famous, you need to spend ad space raising awareness of your brand, and convincing the most desirable recruits that you have something special to offer them. If you have to, develop something that makes you an attractive employer!

Make sure your employer branding reaches out to every demographic and market you recruit from.

London is so widely diverse! It is a microcosm, the world in miniature. But if your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) only resonates with a few types of people, you’re leaving most of the best recruits out in the cold. When you advertise for jobs, make sure you communicate how valuable your company can be to employees of every possible kind.

Don’t just attract the best people – make sure you retain them.

Onboarding is really just the first step. There will almost always be skill and technique gaps between your newest hires and the employees you’ve had for years. Continue to invest in employees long after onboarding is complete, and show them that you care about their career development. You might want to ensure that your corporate culture actually makes good in the promises it makes, while you’re at it. Otherwise, you’ll be recruiting again sooner than you’d like.



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