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Jobs in Europe

3,936 Job(s) found.


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by Career Control

Not Specified
Eindhoven, Netherlands

Functie - omschrijving For TMC in Eindhoven, Career Control is looking for a Financial Controller for the international market. Are you an experienced...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by Hochschulen Fresenius GmbH

Not Specified
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Köln, Germany, 50670

Die Hochschule Fresenius ist eine der größten und renommiertesten privaten Hochschulen in Deutschland, die seit 1971 staatlich anerkannt ist. Die ...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by Hochschulen Fresenius GmbH

Not Specified
Berlin, Mitte, Germany, 10117

Die Hochschule Fresenius ist eine der größten und renommiertesten privaten Hochschulen in Deutschland, die seit 1971 staatlich anerkannt ist. Die ...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by TenneT TSO GmbH

Not Specified
Bayern, Bayreuth, Germany, 95444

TenneT is a leading European grid operator committed to a secure and reliable electricity supply - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We are shaping the...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by IU Internationale Hochschule

Not Specified
Niedersachsen, Hannover, Germany, 30159

Du möchtest die wirtschaftliche Transformation hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit vorantreiben? Dann verwirkliche Deine Ziele im Dualen Studium BWL - ...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by IU Internationale Hochschule

Not Specified
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Essen, Germany, 45127

Du möchtest die wirtschaftliche Transformation hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit vorantreiben? Dann verwirkliche Deine Ziele im Dualen Studium BWL - ...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by HSR GmbH - ein Unternehmen der Würth Group

Not Specified
Baden-Württemberg, Heilbronn, Germany, 74072

Du suchst eine spannende Herausforderung in der Welt der Hydraulik? Du möchtest in einem innovativen Unternehmen arbeiten, das sich auf den ...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by relexa hotel stuttgarter Hof

Not Specified
Berlin, Germany

abwechslungsreiche sowie verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeit in einem motivierten Team ein sehr familiäres und angenehmes Arbeitsklima 4 Tage Woche wenn ...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by Radisson Hotel Hannover GmbH Radisson Blu Hotel Hannover

Not Specified
Hospitality & Tourism Jobs
Niedersachsen, Hannover, Germany, 30159

At the Radisson Blu Hotel, Hannover, our 250 rooms and suites come in a variety of designs. Guests can stop by the on-site ARTs Restaurant & Bar to ...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by Ratbacher GmbH - Karriere bei Ratbacher

Not Specified
Sales & Marketing Jobs
Hamburg, Germany

Deine persönliche und fachliche Weiterentwicklung ist Dir wichtig? Du möchtest mehr aus Deinem Potenzial schöpfen und Deinen Erfolg selbst in die Hand...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by Hotel Indigo Düsseldorf-Victoriaplatz

Not Specified
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, Germany, 40210

Mit über 6.000 Hotels weltweit gehört IHG zu einer der größten Hotelketten. Freue dich auf die Möglichkeit, im ersten Fashion Boutique Hotel Indigo ...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by Nordex Group

Not Specified
Hamburg, Germany

The Nordex Group Do you want to make a contribution to overcoming the climate crisis and share our passion for renewable energies? Then become part of...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by ZEISS

Not Specified
Apprenticeships & Internships Jobs
Berlin, Germany

Step out of your comfort zone, excel and redefine the limits of what is possible. That's just what our employees are doing every single day - in order...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by Radisson Hotel Hannover GmbH Radisson Blu Hotel Hannover

Not Specified
Niedersachsen, Hannover, Germany, 30159

At the Radisson Blu Hotel, Hannover, our 250 rooms and suites come in a variety of designs. Guests can stop by the on-site ARTs Restaurant & Bar to ...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by Colt Technology Services

Not Specified
Hessen, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 60261

We're Colt, the global digital infrastructure company that delivers extraordinary connections with genuine care. We bring together amazing people, ...


Posted 1 hour 14 minutes ago by Trans World Hotel Kranichhöhe

Not Specified
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Much, Germany, 53804

Sportlich. Bergisch. Gemütlich! Im schönen Bergischen Land gelegen, ist das 4 Sterne Trans World Hotel Kranichhöhe ein Reiseziel, das seinem Namen ...


Posted 2 hours 15 minutes ago by Damen Naval

Not Specified
Temporary Jobs
Zeeland, Vlissingen, Netherlands, 4381 AA

We offer you an Ocean of Possibilities. Join our family.Team Lead/ Senior Integration Engineer Marine Systems (Interim) About usGet on board with ...


Posted 2 hours 15 minutes ago by Damen Naval

Not Specified
Zeeland, Vlissingen, Netherlands, 4381 AA

We offer you an Ocean of Possibilities. Join our family.ABOUT USGet on board with Damen Naval, along with more than 1,200 professionals based in The ...


Posted 2 hours 15 minutes ago by Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG

Not Specified
Baden-Württemberg, Neckarsulm, Germany, 74172

Eine gute Idee war der Ursprung, ein erfolgreiches Konzept ist das Ergebnis. Qualität zum guten Preis möglichst vielen Menschen anbieten zu können ...


Posted 2 hours 15 minutes ago by Philips GmbH

Not Specified
Berlin, Germany

Im Fachbereich Image Guided Therapy Devices hast du im Team die Möglichkeit durch professionelle Schulungen unsere Kunden von unseren medizinischen ...

How Do You Get a Job in Europe?

There are many different countries within Europe, and they all offer something different. If you are looking for jobs in Europe, you will find plenty of options at Job Search Place. We have opportunities for everyone, within a variety of sectors and countries throughout Europe. You may be looking for jobs in Belgium, jobs in Netherlands, Switzerland or any other European country, or you might be completely flexible with where you work in Europe. You will find a wide range of options to suit your needs through our job search in Europe. We have opportunities in IT, multilingual jobs, jobs in retail and many more industries. If you’d like to work in the UK, we have a separate search section so head over there to find all the latest jobs in the UK.

Which Country is Best to Work in Europe?

The country you decide to work in Europe will depend on what you are looking for, but there are plenty of options. The Netherlands, for example, is a popular choice due to the generous tax system they have on offer and lets not forget that they are known as one of the happiest countries in the world. The Netherlands is a rich country, so it is an attractive option for many. Switzerland is also known as a happy country with good salary packages (maybe there’s a link here!) and is worth considering if you are looking for jobs in Europe. If you don’t have any specific location in mind, you may want to do some research to help you decide. If you don’t see any opportunities in Europe you like just now, don’t despair, just head over to our sell yourself club, where you can upload your candidate profile for greater exposure to employers.

What Jobs are in Demand in Europe?

The job market is constantly changing, but at the moment IT jobs are in high demand in Europe, as well as finance and healthcare. If you are looking for jobs in finance, or any other jobs in Europe, you will find a wide selection our website to suit your needs.

Our aim is to cater for a wide range of candidates, and we update our opportunities in Europe on a regular basis. If you’d like to work in Europe and see a job you are interested in, our website will link you directly to the opportunity, where you can fill out an application.

How Can a Foreigner Get a Job in Europe?

If you are a non-EU citizen, it may be a little more challenging to obtain employment, but there are still lots of opportunities. It is important to firstly, have a good understanding of where you want to work and what you want to do. This way, you can prepare by either undertaking a qualification or seeking an employer who will offer you sponsorship. Europe is an exciting place to work, no matter where you end up and there are lots of job opportunities in Europe. Migration to Europe is increasing, with over 22.3 million people in Europe being non-EU citizens, so there are more job opportunities than ever before.

Very often, most job seekers often wish to work outside the shores of their location. While this dream may be short-lived due to the inability to view vacancies beyond their place of birth, we have taken the stress of bringing job seekers updates about job vacancies in the countries they are looking to work in. This way, job finders can stay informed.

At Qualified Place, we are quite keen on making our job search platform as a hub of international job vacancies where location won’t be deemed as an obstacle. We also understand the difficulties faced by job seekers and recruiters in this regard. Thus, we strive to correct this anomaly by being the bridge that connects both parties internationally and locally.

Get optimized updates

Job seekers who are looking to work in European countries are a sure-fire way to get streamlined updates about job vacancies in Europe. If upon sign-up, job seekers put Europe as one of their preferred job locations, they will be getting notifications about jobs in Europe as it is their preferred job location. This is immensely beneficial as our search algorithm is designed to bring up results based on the preferred or chosen locations of the job seeker.

European Job Seekers

Subsequently, job seekers who reside in European countries would have the advantage of getting notified of vacancy openings in their location. Our job portal is set up to feed registered job seekers with job notifications that align with their information. With this, job hunting will become quite seamless, and job finders can spend time doing other things and still keep up with their career search.

Regardless of your profession or career, we’ve got you covered as we have a vast database that includes every career aspect you can think of. Hence, these vacancy posts are updated frequently so that you can apply for job openings as they come, boosting your tendency to get hired.

Most European jobs happen to span around career specifics like Engineering, Hospitality and Tourism, Manufacturing, IT, Health, Education, Science and Technology, and a host of others. Regularly, we send out notifications on job vacancies in these career aspects to job seekers who signed up on our platform. If you’re looking to work in Europe, you can leverage our job portal for frequent updates.

European recruiters

European recruiters can now get qualified candidates who reside in other locations. Regardless of the job posts, some qualified candidates are looking to work outside their country. Every job post on our Jobsite is optimized to be seen by job seekers who are looking to work in that job’s location. This creates a win-win situation for both recruiters and job seekers. Online employment is made very easy on our platform as it is a convenient way to link up job seekers and recruiters. Consequently, recruiters can include every feature of the job vacancy in their job postings as this is a quick way to create engagements.