Career Advice

At Job Search Place, you will find information, advice, and guidance to help you make the right steps and choices about progressing to employment, career development, accessing education and training. This will help you find your dream job. You may find useful career advice resources to help you throughout your job search, from CV writing to starting your job.

Applying for a job

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13th Mar 2022

What are sales and marketing jobs?

The purpose of sales and marketing jobs is to promote products or services to gain more sales and customers. Sales jobs are more based on approaching potential customers to try and get sales, while marketing is a more subtle approach. ...

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31st Dec 2020

What is a personal statement and how to write it

If you are in a position where you are looking and applying for jobs, chances are you will be requested to complete a personal statement as part of the recruitment process. If you are new to the job market or maybe just keen to brush up on your job search skills, then follow the next top tips on how to write a personal statement. It is really about Selling Yourself. ...

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CVs and Cover Letters

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01st Jul 2021

Job search cover letter

How to write an engaging job search cover letter: Your job search cover letter should be written correctly and professionally to help you secure your dream job. ...

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03rd Jan 2021

How to compete in the labour market

With more people than ever trying to find a job, being able to compete and succeed in the labour market is crucial. Here are our top tips to help you stand out from the crowd. ...

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02nd Jan 2021

10 top job interview mistakes and how to address them

Job interviews are certainly up there as one of the most stressful life events that we can face. Even with a winning CV and cover letter, the most experienced candidate can stumble when put to the test. Follow the following top 10 job interview mistakes and how to address them in future job interviews ...

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Finding a Job

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02nd Aug 2021

How to find jobs in London

This article will help you to find a job in London. Getting the position that you want can sometimes be challenging. London job vacancies are abundant, but as a city with an extremely high population, so is the competition. Getting ahead of the other applicants is not easy, but with a bit of effort, it can be done. ...

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Job Search

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17th Aug 2021

How to find part-time Jobs in London ?

Looking for part-time work in the UK or London area? This article will help you to find work. Part-time jobs in the UK and particularly London are relatively easy to locate if you know where to look if you only need a job with a limited number of hours. If you need a job to fit around school or other commitments, try some of these tips. ...

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19th Jun 2021

Tips for effective job search UK

When searching for a new job there are many websites and job search tools that can be taken advantage of. Performing an effective job search can be the thing that enables you to move your career forward. With a huge number of jobs posted daily across multiple job boards and other outlets, your job search will need to be as effective as possible to ensure success. ...

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