Can social media be a helpful tool in your job search?

04th May 2021
With the variety of social channels to choose from, and the time spent posting, tweeting, commenting, and liking, there is a large chunk of most people’s day that is dedicated to social media. With that amount of time invested, it is no surprise that social platforms have become much more than just a way to keep up with friends or family.
For those that are in the job market and seeking a new position, social media channels for job searches are fast becoming a source for finding open listings. While the traditional style of job board is still the primary ‘go-to’, social media is a growing and alternate method for searching and finding jobs.
Social platforms with dedicated job boards
Platforms like Linkedin that are geared to business users have incorporated their own job listings feature for business and companies to post available positions and find talented candidates. Linkedin has the added bonus of being able to view applicants CVs, and hiring managers can link directly back to the candidates Linkedin profile, providing them with additional insight and information.
The opposite is also true, candidates can view a hiring managers profile and learn information about the company, researching growth or history, and even having the ability to see other employees profiles who are currently working for the business.
Facebook also has its own dedicated job listing area, with listings that can be searched and filtered to local companies, or filtered by keyword. It does not provide the same level of information about the hiring company as Linkedin, but both social media channels are a growing source for job search.
Platforms without a job board
So what about the social channels that don’t have a dedicated job board? Well, they can still be leveraged to seek out available job opportunities. Networking, connecting with brands, and using hashtags can yield positive results when looking for a new opportunity. As with Linkedin and Facebook, the ability to make a direct connection and converse online with the job poster is an added benefit.
There is a thriving community of smaller companies and start-ups that tend to hire via platforms like Instagram and Twitter where they can benefit from having a long term connection with the applicant, or gain referrals from other similar entities across their network. Popular accounts and influencers can also promote job listings to a wider audience, or recommend a suitable candidate.
How do I use social media in my job search?
Depending on the type of job you are looking for there may be an advantage to using one platform over another. Each one has advantages and disadvantages depending on the type of opportunity being sought.
Tends to be good for larger organisations and corporations seeking new hires
Is great for mid-sized companies, well-known brands, and local opportunities
Can yield a wide range of opportunities locally and nationally by following the hashtag #jobs
Good for connecting with smaller brands and start-ups.
While there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution, finding new listings can often be most successful when using a combination of traditional sites and social media channels for your job search.
Is there a protocol?
For candidates looking to be hired by a company, there is still a code of conduct that should be followed even when using social media for your job search. It is easy to be lulled into a false sense of security as social channels, by their nature, just tend to feel more informal than their traditional job board counterparts.
New job seekers should not fall into the trap of being too casual or overfriendly. Any position applied for should still be treated as seriously as any other job application. That means, CV and cover letter at the ready, and be prepared to respond to probing interview questions.
Informal or not, the hiring company will still want to ensure that they are recruiting the best possible candidate for their open position. Many an opportunity has been lost when presented over social media due to the candidate’s relaxed attitude, so do not fall into the trap.
The delays and constraints of a typical hiring process can be lessened due to the direct contact allowed by social media platforms. Meaning that job search efforts can be faster and more personable. However, targeting the type of positions required may be challenging due to the sheer amount of posts containing a specific hashtag or phrase. Even so, social media as a job search tool is growing in popularity for listings and applicants.