How to sell yourself to get a job you want?

04th Feb 2019
Here’s a real challenge: For any job posted, a hefty number of candidates will apply. Some of these candidates will be less qualified than you are, but others will be just as qualified, or even more so. Faced with this fierce competition, it’s mandatory that you sell yourself. That means making it clear why you are the best candidate available. Selling yourself can feel uncomfortable, but it’s truly essential. If you don’t point out your best qualities as a candidate, who will?
The essence of getting on top of the game is to think like a marketer. Develop a marketing and sales campaign for your job search exactly as if it was one of the many fast moving consumer goods options in the department store. Doing this will help you assess your strengths, strengthen your performance throughout the application process, and develop a strong brand that will make you stand out from the sea of applicants.
Strategies to Market Yourself and Get a Job
Follow these strategies used by marketers to see how to sell yourself as a candidate, and increase your chances of getting hired.
When do you shine in the workplace? Consider the tasks that you perform well and try to recall on-the-job compliments. Look over your resume and list your strengths, skills, and accomplishments. Also, think about why you’ve pursued your career: Why does it interest you? Try to put into words what excites you about your career along with the work-related responsibilities you enjoy the most.
It’s worth spending time on this activity. Your insights will help you later on while writing your cover letter, and answering interview questions like "Why do you want this job?”
Identify Your Qualities
Think of this step as defining the product — in this case, that’s you!
In order to do so, you need to have a solid understanding of what you stand in terms of skills, values, interests and personality type!
1- Skills:
Your skills describe what you like to do and what you are good at. You develop skills by training and experience that improve your ability to do tasks. Being able to identify and describe your skills allows you to answer key questions at job interviews such as What can you do for my organization? and What problems can you solve?
In the workplace, there are two kinds of skills: technical skills, and soft skills. Both types are essential for success.
Technical skills
Your ability to accomplish specific tasks like cooking, computer programming, or teaching, are called technical skills. They relate to a particular occupation. You may have learned technical skills from past work experience, school or training. These skills are often included in job listings to describe the tasks of a position. Examples are:
- build a cabinet
- read an image
- operate equipment
- paint a portrait
- write computer code
- teach a lesson
- investigate a scientific question
- sell products to customers
Soft skills
Employers also want employees who fit in and get along well in the workplace. That requires soft skills. These are so valuable that soft skills are often the reason employers decide whether to keep or promote an employee. Some soft skills can be taught in school. But most you learn in everyday life and can improve at any time:
communicate well
think critically
participate as a team member
determined and persistent
quick learner
on time
Check out these sources to help you identify your skills and find the kinds of work they relate to:
The Skills Matcher helps you identify your skills. Use the Skills Matcher to create a list of your skills and match them to careers that use those skills.
Enter your previous occupation in mySkills myFuture to see types of careers your skills and experience will transfer to.
Look up your strongest skills in O*NET to see which occupations match them best.
2- Work Values:
Values are a set of standards that determine attitudes, choices, and action. Mapping your value priorities can help lay important groundwork for making sound career decisions that fit your unique pattern of values, interests, and talents. Work-related values underlie our choices about work. Some people value creativity; others place apremium on income or contributing. Workplaces are becoming more collaborative, and people are increasingly looking not just for jobs, but also for organizations whose values and culture align with their own. By the same token, the most effective organizations attract people who already share most of their key values. Discussing your values in an appointment with a career counselor can help you focus and choose work environments and positions that are the best fit for you.
A Work Values assessment can ideally help you answer these questions:
Why did you make specific career choices?
What would be a good career move for you?
What are your talents?
Which work value suits you best?
Which work values will make you happy and successful?
3- Interests:
One of the most prominent assessment used to determine your interests is the Holland Code. It is used to classify jobs into job categories, interest clusters, or work personality environments. In the Holland Model, these categories represent work personalities.
The work personalities are:
Realistic people are usually assertive and competitive, and are interested in activities requiring motor coordination, skill and strength. People with a realistic orientation usually prefer to work a problem through by doing something, rather than talking about it, or sitting and thinking about it. They like concrete approaches to problem solving, rather than abstract theory. They tend to be interested in scientific or mechanical rather than cultural and aesthetic areas. They like to work with THINGS.
Investigative people like to think and observe rather than act, to organize and understand information rather than to persuade. They tend to prefer individual rather than people oriented activities. They like to work with DATA.
Artistic people are usually creative, open, inventive, original, perceptive, sensitive, independent and emotional. . They do not like structure and rules, like tasks involving people or physical skills, and are more likely to express their emotions than others. They like to think, organize and understand artistic and cultural areas. They like to work with IDEAS and THINGS.
Social people seem to satisfy their needs in teaching or helping situations. They are different than R and I Types because they are drawn more to seek close relationships with other people and are less apt to want to be really intellectual or physical. They like to work with PEOPLE.
Enterprising people are good talkers, and use this skill to lead or persuade others. They also value reputation, power, money and status, and will usually go after it. They like to work with PEOPLE and DATA
Conventional people like rules and regulations and emphasize self-control. They like structure and order, and dislike unstructured or unclear work and interpersonal situations. They place value on reputation, power, or status. They like to work with DATA.
Assessments using Holland Personality Styles link vocational interests to job families. Assessments use a two or three-letter RIASEC or Holland code. Different assessments provide information on the relationship between job personalities and key characteristics, college majors, hobbies, abilities, and related careers.
Use Anecdotes and Examples
On your resume, it’s smart to identify your skills in the write-ups for each job you’ve held.
When you write your cover letter and answer interview questions, however, go beyond a list of skills — share examples and tell stories that demonstrate your abilities. For interviewers, this creates a more persuasive, engaging experience. (Think about how commercials make a case for products — a pasta sauce ad doesn’t feature a person talking to the camera about its attributes, but rather, a family enjoying dinner together.)
So, instead of saying, "I have strong communication skills,” you can use action verbs as well as quantifying what you have done.
A good example could be:
"Conceived and ledinitiative that saved $1 billion annually in industry settlement costs and eradicated costly customer error by eliminating manual customer input.”
"Hired, trained, and supported Account Executives in six related Midwest industries; hired and trained more than half of existing sales and marketing force.”
Here are some clear tips to follow when writing your resume:
1. Contact Information Goes to the Heading
Your heading should include your full name, address with the postal code, phone number and email. If your email address doesn’t look professional, change it before including it on your resume.
2. Stay Away from Anything Personal
Don’t mention anything personal that is not related to the job. Age, date of birth, marital status, and social insurance number shouldn’t be mentioned at all. The use of photos is not recommended either unless your personal appearance is a key to this particular job. For example: TV host, movie actor.
3. Create a Clear Objective
Your career objective statement should be short, clear and to the point. It is an objective relevant to your current resume not to your personal plans for the next five years. Don’t forget to mention the specific position you are interested in, and a professional summary, proving that you are qualified for this job.
4. Leave Some Information for the Skills and Qualifications Section
The Education and Skills & Qualifications sections are two different things. Degrees, school or university name, year of graduation go in the Education section of your resume. Recent graduates might also consider mentioning their grade point average and honours. Professionals who are midway into their careers may list their education after the Work Experience section, as this brings more attention to their professional and practical achievements.
Skills, computer literacy, certificates, languages etc. go in the Skills & Qualifications section and must be relevant to the job you are applying for and to your objective.
5. Don’t Forget to Mention Your Volunteer Experience
If you are a recent college or university graduate with no work experience, or someone looking for a career change, it’s time to think about building your skills through volunteering or internships. Try to find a volunteering experience related to your desired job, so you get a set of skills needed for this particular position. Volunteering also demonstrates that you are willing to make a contribution to society without requiring a paycheck. This is usually seen as a positive attribute.
6. Use Action Verbs and Numbers
The use of action verbs and numbers helps to demonstrate accomplishment, especially when it comes to the description of your qualifications and work experience. Simply listing your duties and responsibilities is not enough; add some impact to your work experience, mention the numbers of new clients you attracted to a company, the results of the campaign you implemented, the percentage of increase in annual sales you contributed to, etc.
7. Use Buzzwords
Remember that your resume may be read by a computer. Resume-scanning software is set up in a way that it picks up keywords and industry jargon related to a certain job posting. Before writing a resume, re-read the job description and write down all the buzzwords you see. These are usually nouns. It will help you to create an effective resume and cover letter.
8. Don’t be Afraid to Use a Second Page
A one-page resume is a commonly-used recommendation which is hardly realistic to follow. Don’t feel that you must limit the resume to one page, think about the most relevant information you better include on this page. If you do use a second page, include a header with your name and contact information at the top of this page. Be sure to leave some "white space” on your resume; crowding all your information on to one page makes it difficult to highlight the important information.
9. Review Your References
Prepare the list of your references in advance as almost every employer asks for it, if not up front, then after the first interview or two. The most common practice is putting the phrase "References available upon request” at the bottom of your resume.
Your references’ contacts must be good as they will certainly be checked! For references prepare a separate page with the same header you used for the resume.
10. Prepare a Cover Letter
While preparing a resume, don’t forget to write a cover letter. There are fewer chances that you will be invited to an interview without a well-written cover letter.
A cover letter reveals information and skills that often can’t be demonstrated in a resume, such as the ability to communicate in writing, personal writing style, professionalism, attention to details in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, initiative and more. So, remember to devote some time to writing an effective cover letter and meticulously proofread it, along with your resume.
Develop Your Brand
Don’t fear: Creating your professional brand doesn’t have to involve slick advertisements or daily, witty posts on social media. Here are a few simple steps to take to establish your brand:
Write a branding statement: Write a one- to two-sentence summation of your career goals and strengths. Your branding statement might be "A detail-oriented lawyer looking to join a law firm on the partnership track.” Or, it could be "An experienced editor looking to transition into a full-time writing role.” You can use this statement in the Job Search Place summary section, on your resume and when you interact with people and want to share your job search info.
Create an online presence that supports your brand: Your job search goals and career choice can help determine the best online outlet. If you are in a field where you create something — articles, artwork, website designs, etc. — create an online portfolio to promote samples of your work. In many fields, it can be helpful to have a presence on social media sites, such as Twitter or Job Search Place, or to develop a personal newsletter. How to choose a good professional photo, and how social media can help your career.) Or, you may just want to have a website with your resume and experience clearly written.
Documents, business cards, and other marketing materials: Think of your resume and cover letter (as well as an optional job search business card) as a suite of marketing materials all aimed at selling you. That means it’s a good thing for them to look consistent — use the same font on all documents, as well as the same header and style on each. These documents are like the ads in online and print media; make sure they look sharp and easy to read.
Dress the Part
Your talents are more important than your appearance, but it is a reality that the way you dress and carry yourself does play a part in your job search success. (To think again like a marketer, package design matters — often, the biggest difference between two shampoo bottles is price or packaging, and not the actual formulation of the shampoo.) Make sure to wear appropriate outfits.
Develop an Elevator Pitch
Your elevator pitch is a short — under one minute — speech about your background and experience, and what type of job you seek. You can use your elevator speech during networking events, social occasions, and career fairs. Essentially, any time there’s an opportunity to introduce yourself to a potential job search contact, you can go through this pre-prepared spiel.
Fish Where the Fish Are
Once you have all of this in place — your professional brand, your outfit, a good sense of strengths and talents, etc. — you’re nearly ready for launch. But don’t just apply to jobs and attend networking events indiscriminately. Instead, target your efforts and use your time wisely. A marketer would identify the right potential purchasing audience for its product; you should do something similar.
Consider creating a targeted list of companies where you want to apply for jobs. Join only relevant professional groups and attend in-person networking events in your industry. At these events, use the elevator pitch you developed, bring along a copy of your resume, and follow up afterward over email or Job Search Place.
How to avoid being considered "Overqualified”?
Is there anything that feels more unfair than being overqualified for a job? Why should you be penalized for being too good? What should you do if you really want a job but are concerned that the employer will think you’d be a better fit for a higher-level position? If you think about it from an employer's perspective, it makes sense. An overqualified candidate may not want to linger long at a position, and employers like to avoid turnover.
Employers look for candidates who are a good match for the job, and if your credentials show you're overqualified—or underqualified—you may not be considered for the role.
Find out more about why employers avoid hiring overqualified candidates, how to adjust your resume to make it clear that you are interested in the position over the long haul, what to mention in a cover letter, and how to respond to interview questions in the blog post below.
Why Is Being Overqualified a Problem?
Here are some of the main reasons why employers shy away from hiring candidates who appear overqualified:
They're worried you'll be bored: Companies want to hire people who will stick around and enjoy their day-to-day work. If you are overqualified, hiring managers may be concerned that you'll get bored and leave for an opportunity that uses your full talents. They may also be concerned that you won't want to do the level of work the position entails.
Or that you're after the job as a temporary measure: If you've been unemployed for a while, employers may think that you just want to get a job—any job—on your resume, and that the position is intended to parlay you into another job that you're better suited for. As with the concern about boredom, here employers' main worry is that you only want the job as a stepping-stone to something better.
They're unsure you'll be able to take direction: One other reason employers may avoid hiring very qualified candidates for positions that don't match their experience level is that these candidates may struggle to take direction from people who are less qualified on paper.
And nervous the pay won't match your needs: Some part of an employer's concern about your being overqualified may be a worry that you will want a salary that matches your experience level—and is well above the range in place for the job.
Tips for Your Resume
Your resume tells the story of your career. And while you should never, ever lie on your resume, it is permissible to leave off jobs and generally paint yourself as a candidate who is at the right level for the job at hand. Here are some suggestions for resume strategies that will make you look appropriately qualified for a position.
Make it tailored: As with any job application, if you're overqualified, you should make sure your resume focuses on how your experience matches the job you want. Don't delve into experience and qualifications that go beyond the company's needs for the position. Include your qualifications that are the strongest match to the job, and consider what you might leave off your resume in order for it to get a closer look.
Leave off advanced degrees: You do not need to list every degree you hold. Leave off the post-college degrees if you think they are not necessary to get the position you want. You don't need to advertise the fact that you have more credentials than the employer is looking for. You also don’t want the employer to expect that you’ll require a higher salary because of your degree.
Leave dates off your education: There's no need to include graduation dates for when you attended university on your resume. Dates advertise how old you are, and your age can indicate that you're overqualified for an entry-level position.
Remove some jobs: You are not required to list every position you've held. You can remove jobs from your resume that make you look overqualified; just be aware that doing so may make companies wonder what you did during those blocks of time. Be ready to explain during a job interview.
Go functional: Resumes can be formatted in all sorts of ways, from functional (which is an achievement- and skill-based format) to chronological (which lists jobs by when they were held). A functional resume can help reduce the impact of your most recently held title and responsibilities. Assemble your functional or combination resume around the position you desire.
Put the summary or objective sections to use: This is the best spot—aside from the cover letter—to tell your story. Some ways to take advantage of this section when you are overqualified are:
Put the title of the position you want in your objective section.
Explain in your summary that you're looking to transition to a new career (this can show why you'd take a position below your experience level).
Avoid lofty language. Skip details about how long you've worked and your strong expertise. Keep it simple!
Explain your career arc in a way that makes it clear why you'd take a lower-level position; perhaps you're in a field where promotions have led you to management-level positions and away from doing the work you actually enjoy.
De-emphasize titles: Typically, job descriptions on your resume put the title in a place of prominence, but that doesn't have to be the case. You could put the company name on the top line and list titles below.
Use less powerful words: In general, the advice is to punch up language and use powerful words to convey how much responsibility and leadership experience you have, but if you're concerned about looking overqualified, dial down your language and keep it simple.
Instead of "Spearheaded a transition to a new accounting system" you can say you "Helped manage a transition to a new accounting system."
Use Your Cover Letter to Explain
Your resume is just one part of your application package. Use your cover letter to show why the job is right for you, even if you could be doing something at a higher level. There are many reasons why you could be looking for a career shift at this time. Perhaps you're retired but want to still maintain a connection to the industry.
Maybe you have a personal passion for the position or company. Maybe you want to return to more hands-on work in the field and leave management behind.
Use your cover letter to give details on your motivations and show how you'd be a good candidate.
Discuss Being Overqualified During an Interview
During interviews, if the topic of being overqualified comes up, ask for specifics about why the interviewer has that concern; this will allow you to give the best possible response. After all, your interviewer may think you're overqualified because you have a graduate-level degree, not realizing it's in an unrelated field. Take some time to prepare your response to questions about being overqualified, so you’re ready to answer.
Above all, don’t get discouraged if you keep getting turned down for jobs because of being overqualified. With changes to your resume and cover letter, you can get past this obstacle.
The Power of Networking
The importance of career networking shouldn't be discounted when you are in the midst of a job search. In fact, career networking should become a part of your daily work and career-related endeavors. Your career network should be in place for when you need it, both for job searching and for moving along the career ladder. Since you never know when you might need it, it makes sense to have an active career network, even if you don't need it today.
The Purpose of Career Networking
Career networking, or "professional" networking, involves using personal, professional, academic or familial contacts to assist with a job search, achieve career goals, or learn more about your field, or another field you'd like to work in. Networking can be a good way to hear about job opportunities or get an "in" at the company you'd like to work in.
Why Spend Time on Career Networking
Networking can help you get hired and help you grow your career. Job Search Place reports:
70 percent of people in 2016 were hired at a company where they had a connection.
80 percent of professionals consider professional networking to be important to career success.
35 percent of surveyed professional say that a casual conversation on Qualified Place Messaging has led to a new opportunity.
61 percent of professionals agree that regular online interaction with their professional network can lead to the way into possible job opportunities.
Who You Can Network With
Past or present co-workers, colleagues, managers, supervisors or employees
Past or present clients and customers
Business associates
Alumni of your undergraduate or graduate alma mater
Acquaintances you know from your personal life
Acquaintances you know through your spouse or your family
People from your church, gym, yoga studio, or community organization
Past or present teachers or professors
Anyone you meet and have a productive, professional conversation about your career path!
Top 7 Networking Tips
1. Include the right people: Your career network should include anyone who can assist you with a job search or career move. It can include past and present co-workers, bosses, friends with similar interests, colleagues from business associations, alumni from your university, or acquaintances you have met via online networking services. Your network can also include family, neighbors, and anyone who might have a connection that will help.
2. Know what your career network can do for you: Over 80% of job seekers say that their network has helped with their job search. Networking contacts can help with more than job leads. They can provide referrals to or insider information about companies you might be interested in working for. They can provide information on career fields you might want to explore or what the job market is like on the other side of the country. Your network can give you advice on where to look for jobs or review your resume. The possibilities are endless.
3. Keep in touch - work your network: Don't just contact those who can help when you have just been laid-off from your job or decide you want to look for a new position. Keep in touch with your network regularly - even if it's just a brief email to say hello and to ask how they are doing. People are more willing to help when they know who you are.
4. Give to get - what can you do for your career network? Networking shouldn't be a one-way street. If you come across an interesting article or a relevant job listing, share it with your network. The point of having a career network is to have resources who can help, but you should reciprocate whenever you can.
5. Keep track of your network: Keep track of your personal career network somewhere. Whether it's electronically or on paper, make sure you know who is who, where they work, and how to get in touch.
6. Network online: Online job searching networking does work. Sites like Job Search Place, Facebook, and a variety of other online networking websites can help you get in touch with other networkers at specific companies, with college affiliations or in a certain geographic area. In addition, if you're a college graduate, your institute may have an alumni career network you can access. When networking with people you don't know, make sure that you know what you want. Are you looking for company information? Do you want to know about job opportunities? Be specific in what you ask for.
7. Attend networking events: Networking in person works, too. If you belong to a professional association, attend a meeting or a mixer. You'll find that many of the participants have the same goals you do and will be glad to exchange business cards. If your college alma mater holds alumni networking events (many schools hold them at locations across the country) be sure to attend. There are many different types of networking events you can attend. Before you go, review these tips for starting a conversation with the people you meet.
Career Networking Examples
Here are some examples of how career networking can help:
- Susan noticed a help-wanted ad for a job at a local veterinary clinic. She called a friend who happened to use that vet. Her friend called the vet and recommended Susan. Susan got an interview and got the job. The vet was glad to hire someone who came highly recommended by a good client.
- John was interested in pursuing a career in medicine. He mentioned his interest to a family friend who happened to be a doctor. The doctor arranged for John to spend a day shadowing him at the hospital and provided an excellent recommendation for medical school.
- Angela was interested in changing careers and moving from public relations to publishing. Even though she graduated more than a few years ago, she tapped her college career network and came up with a contact at a top New York publishing firm. In addition to being sent new job postings, her resume was hand-delivered to Human Resources when she found a position she wanted to apply for.
- In casual conversation at the orthodontist's office, Jeannie, the assistant, just happened to mention to a patient's mom that she was interested in horses and in a part-time job working with them. The mom had horses and a bunch of contacts. Jeannie had a part-time job working on a local horse farm by the end of the week!
Why Career Networking Works
As you can see, career networking really does work and it's important to have a viable network in place throughout your career and to use your network to your advantage when job searching or exploring career options.
How to Use Job Search Place Effectively
Qualified Place is the top online site for professional, social and career networking. The site functions as an online directory of individual professionals and organizations, and facilitates the process of professional networking without having to leave your office.
As of late 2018, Job Search Place had more than half a billion members in more than 200 countries, including executives from all of the Fortune 500 companies.
While individuals use Job Search Place for professional networking, connecting, and job searching, companies use it for recruiting and for sharing company information with prospective employees.
It's a terrific site for job searching, as well. You can learn to use Qualified Place effectively and understand the best way to use Job Search Place's resources for job hunting and building your career.
Below you will find some quick tips on how to use Job Search Place effectively, along with links to more in-depth articles on each topic to help you make the most of all the resources and tools Job Search Place has to offer.
Getting Started
You'll find it quick and easy to get started using Job Search Place. Start by signing up for an account and create your online profile. The site offers two main tiers of membership: Basic and Premium. The Premium tier has four subcategories: Premium Career, Sales Navigator, Recruiter Lite, Premium Business, Job Search Place Learning, each with its own cost.
The Basic account offers features such as messaging, profile creation, and ways to apply to job postings, while the Premium accounts have added features and resources to expand your online presence and let you get more out of the service.
As soon as you log in, you can start using Job Search Place to connect, network, and search for jobs.
Why Use Job Search Place?
Qualified Place offers useful resources for job seekers, providing information, acting as a billboard to highlight your unique value proposition, and making your information public for recruiters who may be looking for what you have to offer.
Sign Up for Job Search Place
Ready to get started? It's simple. Navigate to, enter your first and last name and email address in the indicated area, and create a password.
Choose a Professional Photo
You'll want to make a good first impression on anyone who views your profile, and a big part of that is the picture you choose. You should opt for a professional-looking photo rather than a casual shot. You don't necessarily have to shell out big bucks for a head shot, but care should be taken when choosing the right clothes, background, lighting, etc., for your Job Search Place profile picture.
Write a Good Profile Summary
Your Job Search Place profile summary is a chance to put your best foot forward, especially if you are interested in new job opportunities. It is recommended to write three to five short paragraphs and leave plenty of white space so readers' eyes don't glaze over when they land on your page. Also use short, tight sentences, avoid jargon, write in the first person, and use keywords.
Don't be afraid to inject some of your personality into your profile summary to make it memorable, but steer clear of anything that seems too unprofessional or could be controversial. Finally, make sure you proofread this section carefully, as you would a cover letter for a job application. Typos and sloppy writing will send the wrong signal.
Improve and Tweak Your Profile
In addition to a summary, your Job Search Place profile can contain your work experience, education, skills, and endorsements and recommendations from others in your network. Your profile helps you get found on Job Search Place because it contains searchable keywords in the information you post about yourself.
Your profile benefits from including relevant keywords that search engines and hiring managers look for. Including these buzzwords in your summary, interests, former job titles, and skills can help you stand out.
Request Job Search Place Recommendations
Recommendations are another great way to make your Job Search Place profile stand out. Positive recommendations written by previous employers, clients or colleagues can show a hiring manager what kind of employee you are and what your strengths are. You have the ability to request recommendations from your Job Search Place connections.
Use Job Search Place Endorsements
Endorsements are a quick and easy way for your professional contacts to help show other users where your expertise lies.
Include Your Job Search Place Profile Address on Your CV
Including your Job Search Place URL on your resume makes it easy for prospective employers to visit Job Search Place to learn more about you and your skills and qualifications. Job Search Place will assign you a URL unless you create a custom one. To create a custom URL, click the "Me" icon at the top of your Job Search Place homepage and select "View profile" from the drop-down menu. On the right-hand side of the page, click "Edit public profile & URL." Try using your first and last name. If that is taken, try a middle initial or your full middle name.
Just make sure that your profile is up to date before including a link to it on your resume.
Sending Messages and Invitations
Once you sign up for Job Search Place and create a profile, you can start to build a network of contacts, including people with whom you connect on a professional basis, an educational basis, or based on another common interest. Send contact invitations to people who meet one or more of these objectives. When you message people within or outside of your network, keep it professional. You'll increase your response rate if you keep your messages on point.
How Big Should Your Network Be?
How many people do you need in your Job Search Place network to make it an effective tool for job searching and career networking? The short answer is, it depends. The right connections are more important than the actual number of connections you have. Ideally, you want connections that are relevant to your line of work that can potentially lead you to a job opportunity, or can provide valuable advice.
Applying for Jobs on Job Search Place
Job seekers can search and apply for jobs directly on Job Search Place. In addition, you can view and contact your Job Search Place connections who may be able to refer you for a job.
Targeted searches such as the advanced people or company finders can sharpen your scope and help you find exactly what you are looking for. You can filter the advanced search by location, industry, alumni status, or number of employees to get more concise, specific search results.
Searching Company Profiles
Qualified Place company profiles are a good way to find more information on companies in which you have an interest. You'll be able to see if you have any connections at the company, new hires, promotions, jobs posted, related companies, and company statistics.
More Tips for Using Job Search Place
After reading this article and the related links, hopefully you have a solid grasp on how to use Job Search Place effectively. Below are a few more tips for using the site.
Keep Your Job Search Place Profile Up to Date
The more complete your Job Search Place profile is, the better your chances to be found and contacted. Use your Job Search Place profile like a resume and provide prospective employers with detailed information on your skills and experience. And be sure to customize your profile’s unique URL to make it easier to find and increase its visibility.
How to Update Your Job Search Place Profile When You're Unemployed
Updating your Job Search Place profile to reflect that you're unemployed can create an issue. Even though you might be unemployed, you must still present yourself in a positive light to prospective employers and to networking contacts.
Using the Job Search Place Mobile App
The Job Search Place Mobile App features include searching and viewing profiles, inviting new connections, accessing Job Search Place answers, and actionable network updates. You can send and receive messages, look up user or company profiles, and even upload your resume to job openings all in the palm of your hand. Use the app to keep your job search moving forward when you're on the road.