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District Property Secretary
Posted 3 hours 55 minutes ago by North West England Methodist District
Using their knowledge of land and buildings and their use and maintenance, in addition to knowledge of governance in the Methodist church context, the postholder will ensure a coherent and holistic approach to property across the District.
Provide advice to churches and circuits on property-related matters
Work with colleagues, including ministers and lay members of the circuits and churches within the District, to maximise utilisation of property and land across the District for mission and income generation, in line with Connexional property strategy
- Support with selling properties
- Collaborate with colleagues on seeking alternative opportunities for mission or income generation
- Provide guidance on potential grant opportunities
Provide support with the instruction of professional advisors and contractors and liaise with surveyors as necessary
Provide advice and support to ensure projects are delivered effectively and in compliance with relevant standards and legislation
Support the management of the consents process
- Advise the consent giving body of the District regarding property projects and the feasibility of District grants
- Provide support on the use of the online consents system
- Oversee the submission of annual returns
Provide oversight of quinquennial inspections
- Ensure inspections are undertaken in a timely manner
- Ensure action points are followed up
- Collate copies of returns
To assist in the development and continual review of the District Development Plan for property
Ensure work is in line with the requirements of relevant bodies and legislation
- The Methodist Standing Orders and Connexional Team (including as a member of the Connexional Property Group)
- Maintain the District relationship with TMCP and action any correspondence as required
Report at District Policy Committee/Synod as required