Principal Social Worker (Court Work)

Posted 5 hours 41 minutes ago by CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL

Full Time
Social Care Jobs
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Job Description

We have created a new Principal Social Worker role which will focus on Court Work.

You will be a case holding social worker working with approximately 10/11 children (4/5 families) who are subject to care proceedings. You will be responsible for all aspects of the case management including statutory visiting, care planning and review, and court.

You will work with children and their families to assist in decision making for Children to remain at home or return home to their parents. Assessments will need to consider the current risks and associated protective factors whilst also identifying the likelihood of sustained change within the child's timescales.

You will have experience of working with children subject to care proceedings and their families and produce work of an excellent standard which provides recommendations based upon sound evidence based analysis.

Rydym wedi creu rôl Prif Weithiwr Cymdeithasol newydd a fydd yn canolbwyntio ar Waith Llys.

Byddwch yn weithiwr cymdeithasol ag achosion gyda thua 10/11 o blant (4/5 teulu) sy'n destun achosion gofal. Byddwch yn gyfrifol am bob agwedd ar reoli achosion gan gynnwys ymweliadau statudol, cynllunio ac adolygu gofal, a gwaith llys.

Byddwch yn gweithio gyda phlant a'u teuluoedd i helpu i wneud penderfyniadau i blant aros gartref neu ddychwelyd adref i'w rhieni. Bydd angen i asesiadau ystyried y risgiau presennol a'r ffactorau amddiffynnol cysylltiedig gan nodi hefyd y tebygolrwydd o newid parhaus o fewn amserlenni'r plentyn.

Bydd gennych brofiad o weithio gyda phlant sy'n destun achosion gofal a'u teuluoedd a chynhyrchu gwaith o safon ragorol sy'n darparu argymhellion yn seiliedig ar ddadansoddiad cadarn sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth.