Financial Wellbeing Team Leader

Posted 2 days 9 hours ago by St Giles Trust

Not Specified
South Glamorgan, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Job Description

Wales, based at one of St Giles offices in Swansea, Cardiff or Wrexham

Ref FTL- 241

Are you a dynamic, collaborative and influential individual with a proven record of managing and supervising staff to successfully deliver services with KPIs, quality standards and/or targets? Do you have experience of working in or managing services supporting male offenders aged 18 and over in community settings?

If so, join St Giles Trust as our Financial Wellbeing Team Leader, where you will support the management of HMPPS\Contracts delivering vital Financial Wellbeing services across Wales.

About St Giles Trust and the Wise Group
An ambitious, well-established charity that helps people facing adversity to find jobs, homes and the right support they need. Central to our ethos is our belief that people with first-hand experience of successfully overcoming issues such as an offending background, homelessness, addictions and gang involvement, hold the key to positive change in others.

The Wise Group is a leading social enterprise working to lift people out of poverty through mentoring support, employment, skills, and energy advice. St Giles and The Wise Group came together to form a partnership with the aim of supporting the Probation Resettlement reforms by offering a high-quality service underpinned by staff who have lived experience and cultural competency. As a result, we have been awarded contracts to deliver Financial Wellbeing Services across Wales that will involve providing a range of financial support and advice to community offenders and prison leavers.

About this exciting opportunity
Our successful candidate will provide operational management and effective leadership to a team of Financial Wellbeing Coaches (FWCs) and Peer Advisor volunteers employed in the delivery of one or more contracts awarded by the HMPPS to deliver Finance, Benefit and Debt (FBD) services in Wales.

We will count on you to set performance objectives and monitor progress ensuring compliance with contractual performance indicators and quality improvement, and to monitor and manage all aspects of delivery and performance.

This key role will also involve managing partnerships, developing and maintaining strong working relationships with stakeholders, and managing and coordinating allocated resources, including volunteers and spot purchase funds. Ensuring there is a safe and trusting working environment for staff and working closely with other St Giles Wise Managers to ensure consistency of approach and sharing of best practice are also key duties.

What we are looking for

  • Experience of working in, or managing, services supporting challenging people
  • Experience working in or managing multi-agency partnerships working towards common objectives
  • Hold a relevant qualification, or be able to provide evidence of training at specialist level in money and/or welfare benefits advice
  • Sound understanding of the requirements of managing a caseload
  • Familiarity with relevant legislation, regulations, guidance codes of practice and industry standards
  • Ability to coach and mentor staff to motivate and facilitate optimum performance Excellent interpersonal, relationship-building and communication skills, both verbal and written

In return, you can expect a competitive salary, generous leave allowance, staff pension, flexible working, a mentoring programme, an advice and counselling service, childcare vouchers, season ticket loan and much more.

To apply please request an application form from our HR Team, via the apply button, stating the job title and ref number.

Closing date: 11 p.m. Sunday 13th October 2024.

Interview date: Thursday, 24th October 2024.

A ydych chi'n unigolyn deinamig, cydweithredol a dylanwadol gyda hanes profedig o reoli a goruchwylio staff i ddarparu gwasanaethau'n llwyddiannus gan ddefnyddio dangosyddion perfformiad allweddol, safonau ansawdd a/neu dargedau? A oes gennych chi brofiad o weithio mewn neu reoli gwasanaethau sy'n cefnogi troseddwyr gwrywaidd 18 oed a hŷn mewn lleoliadau cymunedol?

Os felly, ymunwch ag Ymddiriedolaeth St Giles fel ein Harweinydd Tîm Lles Ariannol, lle byddwch chi'n cynorthwyo gyda rheolaeth Cytundebau Gwasanaeth Carchardai a Phrawf Ei Mawrhydi (HMPPS) gan ddarparu gwasanaethau Lles Ariannol hanfodol ledled Cymru.

Ynghylch Ymddiriedolaeth St Giles a r Wise Group
Elusen uchelgeisiol, wedi i hen sefydlu sy n helpu pobl sy n wynebu helbulon i ddod o hyd i swyddi, cartrefi a r gefnogaeth gywir yw Ymddiriedolaeth St Giles. Yn ganolog i'n hethos yw ein cred bod pobl sydd â phrofiad uniongyrchol o oresgyn problemau megis cefndir troseddol, digartrefedd, dibyniaeth ar gyffuriau ac alcohol ac aelodaeth gang, yn allweddol i sicrhau newid positif mewn eraill.

Mae St Giles bellach yn gyflogwr Kickstart, felly rydym yn rhan o'r cynllun sy'n darparu cyfleoedd gwaith i bobl ifanc 16-24 oed sydd ar Gredyd Cynhwysol ar hyn o bryd ac sydd mewn perygl o ddiweithdra hirdymor.
Mae r The Wise Group yn fenter gymdeithasol flaenllaw sy'n ceisio codi pobl allan o dlodi drwy gefnogaeth fentora, cyflogaeth, sgiliau, a chyngor ynni. Daeth St Giles a The Wise Group at ei gilydd i ffurfio partneriaeth gyda'r nod o gefnogi'r diwygiadau Ailsefydlu Prawf drwy gynnig gwasanaeth o ansawdd uchel wedi'i ategu gan staff sydd â phrofiad byw a chymhwysedd diwylliannol. O ganlyniad, dyfarnwyd cytundebau i ni i ddarparu Gwasanaethau Lles Ariannol ledled Cymru a fydd yn cynnwys darparu amrywiaeth o gymorth ariannol a chyngor i droseddwyr cymunedol a'r rhai sy'n gadael carchar.

Ynghylch y cyfle cyffrous hwn
Bydd ein hymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn darparu rheolaeth weithredol ac arweinyddiaeth effeithiol i dîm o wirfoddolwyr Hyfforddwyr Lles Ariannol (HLlA) a gwirfoddolwyr Ymgynghorydd Cyfoedion sy n cyflawni un neu ragor o gytundebau a ddyranwyd gan yr HMPPS i ddarparu gwasanaethau Cyllid, Budd-dal a Dyled (CBD) yng Nghymru. Byddwch yn gosod amcanion perfformiad ac yn monitro cynnydd - gan sicrhau cydymffurfiaeth â dangosyddion perfformiad cytundebol a gwella ansawdd, ac yn monitro a rheoli pob agwedd ar gyflawni a pherfformiad.

Bydd y rôl allweddol hon hefyd yn cynnwys rheoli partneriaethau, datblygu a chynnal perthnasoedd gweithio cryf gyda rhanddeiliaid, a rheoli a chydlynu adnoddau a ddyrannwyd, gan gynnwys gwirfoddolwyr a chronfeydd prynu ar y pryd. Mae sicrhau bod amgylchedd gweithio diogel ac ymddiriedol ar gyfer staff a chydweithio'n agos gyda Rheolwyr St Giles Wise eraill i sicrhau cysondeb o ran dull gweithredu a rhannu arferion gorau hefyd yn ddyletswyddau allweddol.

Yr hyn rydym yn chwilio amdano
• Profiad o weithio mewn, neu reoli, gwasanaethau sy n cefnogi pobl heriol
• Profiad o weithio mewn neu reoli partneriaethau aml-asiantaeth sy'n gweithio tuag at amcanion cyffredin
• Bod â chymhwyster perthnasol, neu allu darparu tystiolaeth o hyfforddiant ar lefel arbenigol mewn cyngor am arian a/neu fudd-daliadau lles
• Dealltwriaeth gadarn o ofynion rheoli llwyth gwaith
• Cyfarwydd â deddfwriaeth, rheoliadau, codau ymarfer arweiniad a safonau diwydiant
• Y gallu i hyfforddi a mentora staff i ysgogi a hwyluso r perfformiad gorau posibl
• Sgiliau rhyngbersonol, meithrin-perthynas a chyfathrebu rhagorol, ar lafar ac yn ysgrifenedig

Yn gyfnewid am hyn, gallwch ddisgwyl cyflog cystadleuol, lwfans gwyliau hael, pensiwn staff, gweithio hyblyg, rhaglen fentora, gwasanaeth cynghori a chwnsela, talebau gofal plant, benthyciad tocyn tymor a llawer mwy.

Dyddiad cau: 11 p.m. Dydd Sul 13 Hydref 2024.

Dyddiad cyfweld: Dydd Iau, 24 Hydref 2024.