Understanding Inclusive Education: Children’s Individuality

Posted 2 years 4 months ago by The Open University

Study Method : Online
Duration : 5 weeks
Subject : Education
Explore inclusive education from a unique child’s viewpoint to realise the benefits of a child-centric approach.
Course Description

Develop inclusive education by putting the unique child at the centre

Designed by experts at The Open University, this five-week course will develop your awareness of special educational needs and disability (SEND) from the perspective of children, and how an inclusive environment provides support for them.

Explore key children’s rights legislation

You’ll start by exploring the background to children’s rights, with a focus on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC 1989). You’ll consider how this is implemented in educational settings from the perspective of the child, including their right to education, to be heard, and to be involved.

Examine how children see their own needs and rights

You’ll develop your understanding of how children perceive their own disability and the impact it has on them. 

Children have different needs at different times. Throughout this course, you’ll build your awareness of how to identify children’s educational needs, learning vital strategies you can use to adapt your approach and provide the right support.

You’ll meet Ava, whose story about living with non-verbal, autism and masking, ADHD and dyslexia will help you develop ideas of how to integrate inclusivity and the child’s voice into an educational setting.

Gain the skills to create inclusive environments for children

This course will give you the skills and knowledge to understand how to maximise participation, take child-centred approaches, and create accessible resources.  

By the end, you’ll take away a deepened knowledge of how to plan inclusive educational provision that represents the views of children. As a result of your learning, you’ll feel informed to further appreciate the uniqueness of every child within the context of the broader system of diagnosis and provision.

This course is for learners who would like to develop their skills and knowledge of special educational needs and disability. It will enhance the professional development of those working or volunteering in care or educational settings with children aged under 12, including pre-school education and care settings for babies and children aged 0-5 years. It’s also suitable for parents and carers who wish to extend their knowledge in the area.  

Learning will be beneficial to anyone seeking a career in teaching or supporting learners in schools or other contexts. It will also be useful for professionals working in agencies across the health and social care sectors, for example social workers or health visitors. 


This course is for learners who would like to develop their skills and knowledge of special educational needs and disability. It will enhance the professional development of those working or volunteering in care or educational settings with children aged under 12, including pre-school education and care settings for babies and children aged 0-5 years. It’s also suitable for parents and carers who wish to extend their knowledge in the area.  

Learning will be beneficial to anyone seeking a career in teaching or supporting learners in schools or other contexts. It will also be useful for professionals working in agencies across the health and social care sectors, for example social workers or health visitors. 

Career Path
  • Demonstrate an awareness of statutory guidance implemented in educational settings, including codes of practice
  • Reflect on the role of children’s voices and their participation in decision-making
  • Develop an appreciation and awareness that each child has a unique set of needs
  • Identify strategies of support for individual children
  • Apply ideas into everyday practice