TESOL Strategies: Supporting ESL Students in Mainstream Classrooms

Posted 6 years 1 month ago by The University of Glasgow

Study Method : Online
Duration : 3 weeks
Subject : Education
Learn the basic principles, considerations and strategies for cultivating a rich language-learning environment
Course Description

Explore strategies to support the language needs of learners

With increased migration and refugee flows, most teachers are encountering increasingly diverse students in their mainstream classrooms. This course is designed for teachers at all levels, working with language learners across the curriculum.

This course will give you new insight into the different aspects of language, the language learning process and the demands of different curricular areas. It will enable you to enrich your daily practice to ensure the needs of the language learners are met.

This course is designed for teachers, both primary and secondary, offering English medium instruction in school.

An initial teaching qualification, or experience working in English medium classrooms, is desirable.


This course is designed for teachers, both primary and secondary, offering English medium instruction in school.

An initial teaching qualification, or experience working in English medium classrooms, is desirable.

Career Path
  • Explore the multiple dimensions involved in learning a language
  • Discuss how language learners can differ in their circumstances and needs
  • Interpret the different registers and genres of language at work in school settings
  • Design strategies and activities that can support language learners in mainstream classes