Best Practice for Education: Professional Development Showcase

Posted 3 years 5 months ago by Study Melbourne

Study Method : Online
Duration : 4 weeks
Subject : Education
Explore the wealth of expertise in teaching available from world leading institutions within the Australian State of Victoria
Course Description

Discover practical ways of teaching to support your students

Are you a teacher looking to learn how to embed exciting and emerging teaching practices successfully but are under time-constraints?

If so, you’ve come to the right place. This 4 week course will teach you, through a series of bite-sized modules, how to adapt your teaching to create better outcomes.

Gain insights from thought leaders in education

The course presents a wide range of topics from expert institutions including universities, government organisations, vocational institutes, schools and edtech startups. It presents a unique opportunity for you to learn from Victoria’s experts in a range of different practices, all in one place!

Engage your students

Discover how to build a strong community by connecting with others, and learn how to create engagement through interaction. You’ll find out how to balance online learning with offline, asynchronous learning, and how to reach different learners within your classroom or educational environment.

Meet a global community of educators

Through the discussion and activities within this course you will have the opportunity to learn from and engage with educators from around the world. Together we will explore some of the key challenges and solutions in the educational landscape, supported by institutions from across the ‘Education State’, Victoria, Australia.

Explore dozens of other courses from Victorian providers across all subjects, including accredited microcredentials and degrees here.

This course presents a series of interlinked topics relevant to anyone engaging with learning and education. You will explore ways to shape learner’s minds and truly make a difference in a range of different ways. This course will be most relevant for time poor educators or education professionals looking to develop their knowledge in a suite of different skills and practices.


This course presents a series of interlinked topics relevant to anyone engaging with learning and education. You will explore ways to shape learner’s minds and truly make a difference in a range of different ways. This course will be most relevant for time poor educators or education professionals looking to develop their knowledge in a suite of different skills and practices.

Career Path
  • Explore new and emerging core teaching practices to facilitate effective learning in a classroom setting
  • Evaluate different teaching practices as solutions to learning needs
  • Apply core teaching practices and create a teaching artefact (e.g. lesson plan)
  • Understand the edutech ecosystem of Victoria and each provider's role in the learner journey