Italian for Beginners 4: Likes And Dislikes

Posted 6 years 1 month ago by The Open University

Study Method : Online
Duration : 4 weeks
Subject : Languages
In the fourth Italian for Beginners course, learn to talk about your likes, dislikes and preferences.
Course Description

This online course is the fourth of six courses. It will introduce you to the language you need to :

  • say what you like and dislike;
  • talk about your likes, dislikes and interests;
  • compare likes and dislikes;
  • talk about preferences;
  • give reasons.

Learn Italian to talk about your hobbies and interests

During the four weeks of the course, you will learn the vocabulary and expressions to talk about what you like doing in your leisure time.

You will learn how to talk about what you like and dislike, using the piacere (to like) and what you prefer, using preferire (to prefer).

By now, you will be halfway through the Italian for Beginners program, and you will be growing in confidence. You will be coming across longer texts in Italian, and you will read some of them for gist, so you understand what they are about even if you don’t understand all of the words.

You will learn about popular holiday destinations for Italians, about the Università per Stranieri in Perugia and about the Abruzzo region.

This course is aimed at people with little prior knowledge of Italian, who want to learn the basic language and find out about Italy and its regions and culture. The course assumes that you have already studied the previous three courses in the Italian for Beginners program. This course is taught through English.


This course is aimed at people with little prior knowledge of Italian, who want to learn the basic language and find out about Italy and its regions and culture. The course assumes that you have already studied the previous three courses in the Italian for Beginners program. This course is taught through English.

Career Path
  • Develop skills in basic Italian for interacting in common communicative situations
  • Engage in simple communication in Italian
  • Apply the language introduced to talk about what you like and dislike, and what you prefer
  • Apply the language introduced to talk about what you like doing in your leisure time