Seeing: How the Brain Creates the Visual World

Posted 2 years 8 months ago by National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU)

Duration : 4 weeks
Study Method : Online
Subject : Healthcare & Medicine
Gain insights into how we perceive sensory system input when it reaches our brains, and the factors affecting that process.
Course Description

Explore how our visual system and human psychology influence our world view

Our visual system is complicated; using our eyes and brains to convert external information into internal feelings and enabling us to see and interpret the world.

On this four-week course from the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), you’ll explore how our eyes and brains constitute the visual world for us and discover that seeing is not always believing.

Learn the basics of the human visual system

This course focuses on visual perception, and the first thing you’ll learn is how this sensory system works. You’ll look at how light rays are converted into neural signals, which are then sent to the brain.

You’ll also learn how depth, colour, and object perception occur once the visual system signals reach the brain, delving into the many factors (including age and gender) that influence what individuals ‘see’.

Investigate the relationship between sensory input and visual perception

Human psychology also has a huge impact on how sensory system signals are interpreted. You’ll get to unpack how what we feel, and the experiences we have had, influence what we perceive.

By looking at how psychologists interpret sensation and perception, you’ll see how interrelated they are and how they influence our attention and other mental processes.

Understand how your sensory perception impacts the way you experience the world

Finally, NCTU will guide you in applying the theory you’ve learnt to your own life. By the end of this course, you’ll have much greater insights into human psychology in general, and into your unique mind in particular.

This course is designed for anyone interested in human psychology, and understanding more about how the visual system works.


This course is designed for anyone interested in human psychology, and understanding more about how the visual system works.

Career Path
  • Explain how the retina and cortex work when receiving information from the world.
  • Explore how we receive color and how the light influence the perception.
  • Explain the depth and size differentiation in human visual system.
  • Classify the way we perceive objects and scenes.
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