Religion, Radicalisation, Resilience

Posted 5 years 1 month ago by European University Institute (EUI)

Duration : 3 weeks
Study Method : Online
Subject : Politics & the Modern World
Explore religiously-inspired violent radicalisation and assess strategies to prevent radicalisation within communities.
Course Description

Radicalisation, extremism, and religion are often used to frame acts of violence around the world, but the way in which these concepts are linked is complex and often misunderstood.

On this three-week course from EUI, you’ll use up-to-date theories to examine how and why people become radicalised. You’ll also explore counter-radicalisation initiatives and prevention.

Investigate religiously-inspired radicalisation and acts of violence in global contexts

There are many multi-faceted driving forces that lead to radicalisation.

Using a range of global case studies, you’ll gain a contextual understanding of religiously attributed acts of violence, learning how religion is linked to, but not the sole trigger of, radicalisation.

Reflect on the drivers of violent radicalisation

The complex dynamics of radicalisation rely on a combination of factors that differ for every individual.

You’ll examine the historical, geopolitical, personal, and psychological factors that contribute to violent extremism, gaining an overview of the main theoretical approaches.

With this knowledge, you’ll be able to challenge common stereotypes and reframe your understanding of at-risk groups.

Discuss strategies to prevent violent radicalisation and develop community resilience

Building resilience allows at-risk people to actively respond to the adverse life circumstances that could lead to radicalisation.

You’ll assess resilience approaches and policies and examine the challenges and opportunities provided by new technologies to prevent the spread of extremist propaganda.

By the end of this course you’ll understand the complex nature of violent radicalisation. Using relevant theory, you’ll be able to discuss approaches to prevention, the risks, and triggers faced by marginalised people.

This course is for social workers, civil society actors and practitioners, educators, journalists and interested citizens.

This course is part of the research project GREASE: Radicalisation Secularism and the Governance of Religious Diversity: Bringing together European and Asian Perspectives funded by the European Commission, Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 770640. The content of this MOOC represents only the views of the GREASE consortium and is its sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.


This course is for social workers, civil society actors and practitioners, educators, journalists and interested citizens.

This course is part of the research project GREASE: Radicalisation Secularism and the Governance of Religious Diversity: Bringing together European and Asian Perspectives funded by the European Commission, Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 770640. The content of this MOOC represents only the views of the GREASE consortium and is its sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

Career Path
  • Investigate current debates on violent religious radicalisation
  • Engage with different theoretical approaches that explain violent radicalisation and identify its causes
  • Explore the process through which a young person can be drawn into a spiral of violent radicalisation and extremism
  • Discuss what is resilience and how it is different from counter-radicalisation approaches
  • Compare specific approaches and experiences of building resilience within communities and countering violent radicalisation. Discuss whether and how they can be transposed to different settings (cities, countries)
  • Learn about how violent religiously attributed radicalisation emerges today in different parts of the world, understand why people are driven to engage in violent extremism and what resilience to it is
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