Hurricane Tracking with Satellite Data

Posted 5 years 8 months ago by University of Strathclyde

Duration : 5 weeks
Study Method : Online
Subject : Science, Engineering & Maths
Discover data analytics and learn how to process and interpret satellite data to track hurricanes.
Course Description

Analyse satellite data of hurricanes and explore descriptive statistics

Regularly causing major global destruction, hurricanes are intense storms with devastating winds. Space-enabled data allows us to observe, monitor, and track hurricanes from a safe distance. Although easily accessible, large volumes of satellite data have been left untouched due to a lack of skilled data analysts.

On this course, you’ll explore the key concepts of data science required to process, analyse, and interpret large datasets. You’ll use tutorials and case studies to understand the possibilities within these datasets, and learn how to interpret satellite data beyond the course.

This course is for anyone interested in learning something about hurricanes or satellites, or those interested in starting to code in Python.

Anaconda with Python 3.0 (free to download).


This course is for anyone interested in learning something about hurricanes or satellites, or those interested in starting to code in Python.

Career Path
  • What data is and its different forms
  • What a satellite is and how its applications produce valuable data
  • Basic data analysis techniques such as descriptive statistics using Python
  • Ability to access and process satellite application data
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