The Future of Life

Posted 3 years 5 months ago by FutureLearn

Duration : 3 weeks
Study Method : Online
Subject : Science, Engineering & Maths
Explore the threats facing human civilisation on Earth and discover the possible ways that we could colonise other planets.
Course Description

Will humans become multi-planet species one day?

On this three-week course, Dr Louisa Preston reflects on everything you’ve learned throughout this ExpertTrack to answer the question, what does all this mean for human life in the future?

Take a trip back through cosmic evolution

The Big Bang. The origin of life. The development of intelligence. These are all key points of our evolution in a cosmic context and understanding these moments can help us to unlock the secrets of the universe.

You’ll start this course by examining where we came from evolutionarily and how this knowledge helps us to understand our place in the universe; how our past and present can help us to contemplate our future.

Go beyond Earth to build a space colony among the stars

As we make huge technological advances, it’s only natural that humankind would start to look outside our atmosphere towards the prospect of colonising other planets and moons.

This course will take you through some of the reasons and justifications for our move to other planets, considering both a partial migration and an entire switching of planets. You’ll then look at the practical considerations and steps required to move humankind to the moon, before taking the leap to create a strategy for colonising Mars.

Explore climate change and why space exploration is vital to civilisation’s survival

Human civilisation currently faces many threats such as climate change, disease, overpopulation, and even asteroids.

You’ll finish this course by looking at the challenges that humankind needs to overcome and the mistakes that have caused some of these threats.

Then you’ll have everything you need to consider what the future of life looks like? And is the colonisation of other worlds essential to the continued survival of humans?

This course is designed for anyone interested in the fundamentals of astrobiology, particularly the future of life on Earth and beyond.

It will be especially useful to university applicants looking to identify areas that they’d like to specialise in and STEM teachers looking to bring science to life for their students.


This course is designed for anyone interested in the fundamentals of astrobiology, particularly the future of life on Earth and beyond.

It will be especially useful to university applicants looking to identify areas that they’d like to specialise in and STEM teachers looking to bring science to life for their students.

Career Path
  • Describe evolution in a cosmic context
  • Discuss the threats to the survival of a civilisation
  • Compare reasons and strategies for our switching planets
  • Summarise the considerations and steps required to move to the Moon
  • Create a strategy for colonisation of Mars
  • Investigate the history behind climate change and identify challenges we need to overcome
  • Discuss the mistakes we’ve made and our likelihood to make them again
  • Describe ways our investigation into the space environment can help our lives on earth and beyond
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