Prepare For Your Science Degree
Posted 6 months 29 days ago by The University of Nottingham
Learn what to expect as a new undergraduate student in science
Transitioning to studying science at university level can feel daunting. This three-week course will take away some of that apprehension, offering you support and insight to help you prepare for your time at university.
You’ll learn what to expect as an undergraduate student at university, gaining an understanding of university jargon, types of teaching, and crucial academic skills.
What’s more, you’ll receive useful resources you can take to university with you so you can start your science degree with confidence.
Develop an understanding of studying science at university
During week one of the course, you’ll explore the ins and outs of university to understand what you need to successfully get started.
You’ll unpack what teaching looks like at a degree level as you discover working in labs and lectures as well as the different types of assessments you may complete.
Then, you’ll create a useful document with all your key information – from your new address and course lead name to the doctors to register at once you move.
Gain essential academic skills
Next, you’ll develop key academic science skills to help you thrive in a university setting. You’ll learn how to search literature, read critically, reference, and write at an academic level.
You’ll finish this week with a top tips sheet for academic skills.
Learn from the experts at the University of Nottingham
Finally, you’ll develop a plan to help you manage your time, balance work and social life, and identify different opportunities at university, such as societies and sports teams.
Learning from the experts at the University of Nottingham, you’ll finish your course with the knowledge and confidence to start your science degree at university.
This course is designed for anyone looking to study a science-based course at university.
It will be most beneficial for those who want to gain insight into what life at university is like.
This course is designed for anyone looking to study a science-based course at university.
It will be most beneficial for those who want to gain insight into what life at university is like.
- Explore the structure of a university, degree course and the extracurricular opportunities available to university students
- Reflect on the preparation and development of key academic skills for starting university level study
- Improve confidence and develop tools and techniques for approaching university level academic assignments
- Apply academic reading and writing skills to example exercises
- Explore the support services available for students at the University of Nottingham