Introduction to the Rule of Law

Posted 2 years ago by The University of Law

Duration : 3 weeks
Study Method : Online
Subject : Law
Investigate the Judiciary system and the Rule of Law, and discover how it affects us in the UK.
Course Description

What is the Rule of Law?

The Rule of Law is integral to upholding our fundamental rights and freedoms in the UK.

On this three-week course from the University of Law, you’ll consider what is meant by the Rule of Law, focussing on the role of the Judiciary and the interconnection between the Rule of Law and our human rights.

Explore the separation of powers and the role of the Judiciary in the UK

You’ll learn what is meant by the separation of powers, and examine the roles of judges (the Judiciary), the government and its agencies (the Executive), and Parliament (the Legislature).

Using examples and case studies throughout, you’ll put this knowledge into context and reflect on the actions of each power within various scenarios.

With this knowledge, you’ll be able to critically analyse the powers and procedures of the Judiciary, Executive, and Legislature.

Examine the process of judicial review

A judicial review refers to procedures taken to investigate the lawfulness of actions taken by a political body.

You’ll hear from real judges and explore judicial review cases, allowing you to debate the effectiveness of the Judiciary and assess the appropriateness of their response.

Discover how the Rule of Law protects human rights

Criminal law, human rights, and the Rule of Law are all intrinsically linked in the UK.

You’ll learn how the Rule of Law protects those accused of crimes, and understand how it is upheld by the UK Judiciary through the protection of human rights.

You’ll finish this course understanding the Rule of Law and its application in various contexts, whether to challenge the actions of the government, or to protect freedoms and rights. You’ll also be equipped with the knowledge to assess the effectiveness of the Judiciary and explain your reasoning.

This course is designed for anyone with an interest in the role of the Judiciary in upholding the Rule of Law in the United Kingdom.

It will be of particular benefit to those considering a career in law, especially anyone preparing to study a law degree at university.


This course is designed for anyone with an interest in the role of the Judiciary in upholding the Rule of Law in the United Kingdom.

It will be of particular benefit to those considering a career in law, especially anyone preparing to study a law degree at university.

Career Path
  • Describe the different definitions of the Rule of Law
  • Evaluate which definition of the Rule of Law you prefer
  • Explain how the Judiciary are separate from the Executive in the UK
  • Explain how the Judiciary uphold the Rule of Law using judicial review and Human Rights law
  • Reflect on the effectiveness of the Judiciary in upholding the Rule of Law in the UK
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