Introduction to Short-Term Islamic Liquidity Management Instruments (STILMI)

Posted 1 year 4 months ago by INCEIF

Duration : 5 weeks
Study Method : Online
Subject : Business
Gain an understanding of Islamic finance as you learn to manage your cash flow needs and improve your organisation’s practices.
Course Description

Understand the need for Islamic liquidity management instruments in the market.

This five-week course will help you understand the concept of short-term Islamic liquidity management and why it is important for businesses to manage cash flow needs.

You’ll develop a range of practical knowledge and skills to apply directly to your organisation. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to enhance your career prospects and organisational effectiveness.

Using a comprehensive approach to understanding and managing short-term Islamic liquidity needs, this course is ideal for Islamic finance professionals, business owners, and managers who want to improve their cash flow management skills.

Learn to make informed decisions about your short-term cash flow needs

You’ll start by learning to identify the various types of short-term Islamic liquidity management instruments available.

With this knowledge, you’ll be able to contribute to your organisation’s success by optimising cash flow management practices and improving liquidity management practices.

Improve your cash flow management skills

With your knowledge of Islamic liquidity management instruments, you’ll explore the issues faced in structuring these short-term instruments and how you can overcome these challenges.

Exploring different case studies and real-world examples, you’ll also unpack the salient factors to consider in practice. This will help you understand the best practices for short-term liquidity management, including forecasting cash flows, managing working capital, and optimising cash balances.

Learn from experts in Islamic finance

Throughout the course, you’ll be guided by industry experts who will share their specialist insights from the field of Islamic finance.

By the end, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to manage your organisation’s short-term cash flow needs.

This course is designed for anyone interested in learning about the various instruments and strategies used in short-term Islamic liquidity management and how to use them effectively.

It will be most beneficial to bank regulators and supervisors, policymakers, business owners, and managers who are responsible for managing cash flow and financial resources within their organisations.


This course is designed for anyone interested in learning about the various instruments and strategies used in short-term Islamic liquidity management and how to use them effectively.

It will be most beneficial to bank regulators and supervisors, policymakers, business owners, and managers who are responsible for managing cash flow and financial resources within their organisations.

Career Path
  • Explain the concept of short-term Islamic liquidity management and why it is important for businesses to manage their cash flow needs.
  • Identify the various types of short-term Islamic liquidity management instruments available.
  • Compare the differences between conventional and Islamic short-term Islamic liquidity management instruments.
  • Explore best practices for short-term liquidity management, including forecasting cash flows, managing working capital, and optimising cash balances.
  • Investigate real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the use of different short-term Islamic liquidity management instruments in practice.
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