Universitätsprofessur (m/w/d) für Professionalisierungsforschung im Bildungsbereich

Posted 5 hours 52 minutes ago by Stiftung Universität Hildesheim

Full Time
Education Jobs
Niedersachsen, Hildesheim, Germany, 31141
Job Description
The position is open from October 1, 2025. The University of Hildesheim, TU Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover have jointly raised seed funding for new professorships from the call Strengthening Empirical Educational Research in Lower Saxony (Stärkung der empirischen Bildungsforschung in Niedersachsen), and will establish a Research Alliance for Intervention, Implementation and Transfer Research. In the context of research-based optimization of learning scenarios in real-world organizational settings, the Research Alliance aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of educational interventions and to identify specific conditions of their successful implementation and broad deployment. Initiating joint research projects, building up collaborative structures in order to support early-career researchers in empirical educational research, and promoting the transfer of research findings are among the core activities of the Research Alliance. Responsibilities: Complementary to the professorships for Educational Measurement (Methoden der empirischen Bildungsforschung) and Educational Innovation and Change (transformative Schulentwicklung) at the universities of Braunschweig and Hannover that will also be part of the Research Alliance, the focus of the advertised professorship is on the competences and attitudes of professionals in education, on their development over time, and their malleability as well as their role for the utilization of scientific knowledge and for a positive impact on learning outcomes. Suitable research areas include: professional knowledge of teachers and educational staff evidence-based reasoning and action of teachers or educational staff core practices of professional agency practice-oriented formats for the professionalization of teachers or educational staff (e.g. simulation-based learning, practice-based teacher education) The responsibilities of the professorship necessitate an intervention-oriented research ap proach that appropriately adresses the multi-level structure of contexts of professionalization and employs a supplementary focus on mediating mechanisms. The teaching of the professorship will be mainly in the field of education in the teacher training degree programs ("polyvalenter Zwei-Fächer-Bachelorstudiengang mit Lehramtsoption", "Master of Education für Lehramt an Grundschulen" and "Master of Education für Lehramt an Haupt- und Realschulen"). In the wake of political initiatives to strengthen practical components in teacher training, the professorship is expected to promote the implementation of innovative ressearch-based formats of professionalization. The official teaching language at the University of Hildesheim is German. If you are not yet sufficiently proficient in German, you may initially teach in English. This would be tied to the requirement to develop your linguistic competence in German to the level that you can teach courses in German and conduct research involving learners and teachers in educational institutions within the first two years following the appointment. Requirements: pedagogical and instructional aptitude doctoral degree in education or a closely related subject, typically with above-average evaluation additional scientific achievements (Habilitation or equivalent achievements) a research profile in research on the educational profession(s) and professionalization that is pertinent to the Research Alliance for Intervention, Implementation, and Transfer Research pertinent publications in international journals proven competencies in methods of quantitative empirical research willingness to collaborate with the institutions of educational research at the universities of Lower Saxony Desirable: experiences in the acquisition of third-party funding aptitude and willingness to implement innovative research-based formats of professionalization in teaching willingness and openness for collaboration with representatives of research on teaching in the subjects ("Fachdidaktiken") and with respect to the main research areas of the Centrum für Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung (CeLeB) in the field of research on the educational profession(s) and on teaching as well as profile field 1 "education and participation in society" of the research profile of the university willingnes to support gender sensitivity The formal requirements are specified in 25 et seq. of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (Niedersächsisches Hochschulgesetz, NHG). As part of our mission statement, the University of Hildesheim Foundation fosters the awareness of gender and diversity aspects. The applicant is expected to be equipped with the required social and leadership skills. The University of Hildesheim explicitly promotes gender equality. We aim to increase the proportion of female employees in fields in which women are underrepresented. Therefore, female scientists are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants with severe disabilities will be considered preferentially in case of equal qualification. If you have any questions, please contact the Dean Prof. Dr. Janna Teltemann by e-mail: . We are looking forward to receiving your application with the usual documents (curriculum vitae, certificates and official documents, publication list, list of courses taught, results of teaching evaluations, a concept paper concerning teaching and research of no more than four pages, listing of third-party funding acquired, if applicable). Please submit your application no later than 22.11.2024 with the reference number 2025/1 (english) at This is a translation. The original job posting in German is authoritative and available under